
GB18030-2000 (Information Technology : Code of Chinese Graphic Character Set for Information Interchange; Primary Set) is the current national standard for China's (The People's Republic of China) character set, while the traditional GB2312 is the lower included standard.

The GB in GB18030 represents "GuoJia BiaoZhun", which means "national standard" in Chinese, indicating that like other GB standards, GB18030 also has coercive power.

As the standard for coded characters, this regulates informational graphic characters and its Hexadecimal expression in binary encoding. Regulations such as "Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China","Law of the People's Republic of China on the Standard Spoken and Written Chinese Language", and "GB5296.1","GB5296.2","GB9969.1" should be followed.

The Chinese Government has stipulated that starting from 1st January 2001, all machines for display fonts and output fonts used within the People's Republic of China have the obligation to follow the standard. Later, due to the demand by US companies, the transition period for execution was postponed to August 31, 2001. To coordinate with the execution of GB18030-2000, the national standard for standard dot-matrix-font is also required to follow this regulation. Dot-matrix-font, TrueType font and input methods that are embedded into the system are all within the scope of GB18030-2000 regulations.

GB18030 related government agencies.

Government agencies that are related to drafting the GB18030 are as follows:

  1. CHINA Electronics Standardization Institute (CESI)
  2. China National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee (NITS)
  3. Conformance Test Center for Information Technology Standards (CTCITS)

Categories of application supervision of text information processing products

All dot-matrix-font products with Chinese text display and Chinese text output are required to follow the "national standard for dot-matrix-fonts" when producing fonts.

Mainland China has drafted Chinese text processing mandatory regulations that involve six main products

On February 25, 2009, "Six Main Products that are Involved in China's Draft of Chines Text Processing Mandatory Regulations" was announced on the website of "China Electronics Standardizing Institute, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China."

Before this announcement, the scope of the application of GB18030 has always been "all font display output machines"; This announcement explained the scope of application as follows:

How to determine whether a product is classified within the regulation?

Whether a product that uses dot-matrix-font is regarded as regulated under GB18030 is determined by NITS (China). If the market survey by CTCITS makes discoveries that are different from the judgement of companies, the CITSTC has the right to the final decision. If the determination of CITSTC can be known in advance, risks of developed products being discontinued can be avoided. CITSTC strongly advises that companies do not make determinations on their own. It is best to consult the NITS.

For corporations that intend to use dot-matrix-fonts, please consult us. We will be able to assist you in making further confirmation with related units in China.

Uniformization efforts regarding GB18030

Dot-font-matrix data standard

People's Republic of China National Standard GB18030-2000 regulates character coding and basic graphic coding and its Hexadecimal expression in binary encoding. In addition, standards of other countries also define the size and font of each characters in dot-font-matrix, all these regulations must be followed.

Dot-Font-Matrix SIZE standard

People's Republic of China National Standard GB/T11460-2000 "Information technology Chinese font data detection method/2000-10-17 announcement/2001-10-01 implementation" states that “the size of the Chinese character dot-matrix-font must be selected and used within the following series, information processing equipment are not allowed to use 11×12 fonts.”

The size of Chinese character dot-matrix-fonts are as follows:

11x12, 13x14, 15x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 96x96, 128x128, 256x256

The usage license of dot-matrix-font

The dot-matrix-font retained by China NITS that conform with GB18030 are shown in the following form, 15×18, 17×18, 19×20 are identified as meeting the national standard

Corporations that are willing to use the dot-matrix-font can be authorized to use the dot-matrix-font data after signing the license contract

There are two methods of using the license contract

  1. User License
  2. Developer License

We have signed a contract with the Chinese government (NITS) to act as the agent in providing GB18030 standard font license services for users.

Letter Size User License fee amount Developer License fee amount font
GB2312 package GB18030 package GB18030 package
11 X 12 $20,000 $45,000 $4,500 Nonstyle
13 X 14 $15,000 $40,000 $4,000 Nonstyle
15 X 16 $15,000 $40,000 $4,000 Nonstyle
15 X 18 $15,000 $40,000 $4,000 Nonstyle
17 X 18 $15,000 $40,000 $4,000 Nonstyle
19 X 20 $15,000 $40,000 $4,000 Nonstyle
22 X 22 $15,000 $40,000 $4,000 Song, Hei
24 X 24 $15,000 $40,000 $4,000 Song, Hei
28 X 28 $15,000 $40,000 $4,000 Song, Hei
32 X 32 $15,000 $40,000 $4,000 Song, Hei
$15,000 - - Fang Song, Kai
48 X 48 $15,000 $40,000 $4,000 Song
$15,000 - - Hei, Fang Song, Kai
64 X 64 $15,000 - - Song

※ The above amount are in US Dollars

User license contract


The procedure for license contracts are as follows:

  1. DynaComware will provide quote
  2. Provides you with the license contract that you are about to sign with NITS.
    • There will be four license contracts in total, both parties will be given two copies.
    • Articles within the contact by NITS are not to be altered.
    • DynaComware will be responsible until the signing of the contract is completed by both parties.
  3. Also, DynaComware will sign contracts that are related with font data with your company.
  4. After signing the contract with NITS and the font data of DynaComware, please pay the required license fee (fees must be paid in US dollars).
  5. After the NITS has confirmed they have received payment, they will provide you with the font data, font list, and the license certificate through DynaComware.

Licensing contracts for OEM (products that use the trademark of others):

When using dot-matrix-fonts that are licensed by NITS, the manufacturing source and corporation provided with the product should both be given a licensing contract by NITS.

License contracts for enterprise groups

Enterprise groups that operate business with the same brand can sign an inclusive usage contract of GB18030 dot-matrix-fonts with NITS.

If you require further information, please contact DynaComware.
Customer service line: (852)2866 3560

TrueType fonts that comply with the GB18030 standard

English name file name file size Chinese name
DFSongW3-A Dfsong.ttf 16,600KB DFSong W3
DFHeiW5-A Dfhei5.ttf   8,035KB DFHei W5
DFFangSongW3-A Dffangs.ttf 13,295KB DFFangSong W3
DFKaiW5-A Dfkai5.ttf 21,787KB DFKai W5

TrueType font style that comply with the GB18030 standard









TrueType font need to go through CTCITS GB18030 standard testing DynaComware has passed the above qualifications. The four TrueType fonts that pass the GB18030 standard are listed in the previous form. Each font package contains 27,484 Chinese characters, 682 non-Chinese characters, 94 ASCII characters, with 28,269 in total.

The TrueType fonts that pass the GB18030 comes with a test report issued by CTCITS as the image on the right.

※ TrueType font must be re-inspected every four years.


GB18030 related government agencies

We have signed a contract with the Chinese government (NITS) to act as the agent in providing GB18030 standard font license services for users.


If you require further information, please contact DynaComware.
Customer service line:(852)2866 3560

English Name file size Chinese name
DTSong-GB18030 4,150KB DT Song GB18030
DTHei-GB18030 2,008KB DT Hei GB18030
DTFangSong-GB18030 3,323KB DT Fang Song GB18030
DTKai-GB18030 5,446KB DT Kai GB18030


DT font GB18030 is DynaComware's outline font DigiType font technology for embedded equipment that has been certified by the GB18030 standard.
Provided content by DT font GB18030 includes CTCITS certified font data and Rasterizer package.
Tests for especially small-sized (16, 20, 24dots) display quality are available. When DigiType passes display tests in this nature, it also passes the three inspection items of order, shape, and normative.
The file size of this font is only 1/4 of the TrueType font and is the most suitable outline font for embedded devices.
Each package includes 27,484 Chinese characters, 682 non-Chinese characters, 94 ASCII characters, with a total of 28,269 characters.

  1. If you have any questions regarding the above DT font GB18030, please contact DynaComware.
  2. Clients who use the DT font GB18030 will receive a certificate signed and issued directly by NITS (China).

GB18030 related government agencies

We have signed a contract with the Chinese government (NITS) to act as the agent in providing GB18030 standard font license services for users.


If you require further information, please contact DynaComware.
Customer service line:(852)2866 3560

The Input Method Editor (IME / Text input method) on information technology products on sale throughout the Chinese market should pass the inspection by CTCITS (China).

The IME standard package includes three standards: the numeric keyboard, Full Keyboard, and handwriting recognition.

GB18030 related government agencies

We have signed a contract with the Chinese government (NITS) to act as the agent in providing GB18030 standard font license services for users in Japan.


If you require further information, please contact DynaComware.
Customer service line:0800-211591

More Information

List of Embedded font products